Bonus points if you know the annoying song referenced in the preview pic! lol Mid-South Slots brings you the widest variety of old school style 3 Reel casino slot play on Youtube!

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18 thoughts on “3 REEL CASINO SLOTS!”

  1. I love the what you are wearing in December comment. I feel the same with the entertainers that think showing nothing to imagine is attractive. Enjoy you videos as close to average slot players budget!!

  2. Why do I feel like you are showing the same video from another time, mixed with others. I've heard the tire track comment before. Is this a compilation of many videos? Do you live at the Paris hotel? I really like your videos but it seems lately, you are either putting together compilations, or you keep going back to the same machines, and you live there.

  3. Great video. The scenes from your hotel room looking out in to the City were impressive. You could really sell the City for people to visit with the scenes you usually capture. Your win on TRIPLE DOUBLE JACKPOT was seriously impressive to see and witness – it may not have been a massive jackpot but it was a fantastic win either way. Well done and congratulations. Thank you for sharing your experience. Greatly appreciated.

  4. That view from the Paris looks really great. Too bad the slots weren't cooperating much, but at least Triple Double Jackpot cooperated enough to get back up to break-even. Love seeing the nudge action on it though.

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