Watch Biggest win Roulette In Las Vegas Casino Hot Session✔️ 2023-05-01

Watch Biggest win Roulette In Las Vegas Casino Hot Session✔️ 2023-05-01


Dream Vegas

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Watch Biggest win Roulette In Las Vegas Casino Hot Session✔️ 2023-05-01.

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50 thoughts on “Watch Biggest win Roulette In Las Vegas Casino Hot Session✔️ 2023-05-01</span>”

  1. This isn't Vegas for one thing the wheel is the single zero roulette wheel which is only outside of the states and Canada , in the US and Canada casinos have different with a double 0 and numbers are in different order on the wheel i love how in the states and in Europe you can bet any amount no limit…in Canada there's limit as to how much you can place on each number or any spot inside or on the outside. I used to play everyday several times a day for 6 years at casinos

  2. The way he bets is idiotic. 🤦🏾 He's not calculating his bets placed to see if he's making a profit or not. The goal to playing roulette is to double up every spin. If you're just throwing out money but not keeping track on how much you're betting, then you're just slowly losing money… basically wasting time. 😏

  3. If one day you want play gambling or buy lotto, ask your self why someone must come and pay a few milion dollars for a colourful building with nice chairs , pay to bodyguards , waitresses and pay to other stuff and the end of history allow to you win and take his money. This is a trap for people who looking for shortcut .don't play gambling and be aware and scare of lottery that is more dangerous.

  4. By 10 years experience, and by lose around 300 k at more than 5 cities casinos,RSL clubs , lotteries I say to all of you don't go to this places for play 1 dollar or even for party or drink a coffee . Not important how much you are smart, it's not important how much you have money, it's not important you go alone or by team the end of that you lose every thing because they are not play fair or they not play by chance. They choose the cards or numbers by cameras and sensors. Their machines can analyse 1000 numbers at one second , and if some times you can see some people win some money : that's mean or that person before lose more or people who play at same time lose more than the winner. From any 1000 dollars casino give back almost 100 and lotteries give back just 25 dollars.

  5. Dumb bettor with lots of money…
    Playing on correct table with a single zero, but bad chip strategy. Any decent player betting the inside knows to ONLY place single number bets to make the maximum profit! All split line bets are sucker bets that give the house more of an advantage.

  6. How big it can be.. its nothing if ur a gambler. he bought 800$ chips. People play 2500-3000$ slots every 3 secs 😀 Im sure there are gamblers who bets 2-3 k on roulette too

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    Wenn ich im casino arbeiten würde würde ich jeden erwischen

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