How Casinos Are Able to Predict Human Behavior

How Casinos Are Able to Predict Human Behavior


Dream Vegas

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How Casinos Are Able to Predict Human Behavior.

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24 thoughts on “How Casinos Are Able to Predict Human Behavior</span>”

  1. Don't listen to this keep coming and gambling: The Las Vegas Casino is the reason us locals pay no state income tax. We let the Gavin Newsom Californian's pay our taxed with their gambling losses.

  2. I actually am banned from my local casino when they saw my behavior, when i keep winning i stay until the macines stop paying. I walk out with a $2000 profit each time. I walk out immediately if I lose my first $100. So far, im still in profitsville by 1000's and not allowed to play anymore because they think im cheating a slot machine somehow.

  3. It’s not normal to have clocks , while wearing a watch having a clock on wall in almost every biz and has a phone with a huge clock on it your a genius Champ , another jre first the guest thinks there smarter than everyone else cus there on the biggest podcast in the world

  4. Not everything the anti gambling people said it's entirely wrong. I took music theory in college. Certain cords are very harmonious, and it's why we get pleasure out of music. It's more pleasing to use melodies and ranges that the average person can sing to. It psychologically wouldn't work to have low or bass tones on the machines all the time. Music elicits responses for the average person, whether you recognize it or not. There are clocks in places like Walmart, often near the bathrooms and there's one in the break room. The need for rewards in gambling isn't the same as the need to hunt for food, they don't have the same driving factors. Food is a necessity and we have a physical drive for food to sustain ourselves. Gambling isn't a need and it's based on a "reward" instead of the actual need for something. Hunters had to keep going because they HAD to eat.

  5. Damn I need to watch the full interview!! Was that really Joe Rogan? I’m concerned someone(the ones that hired Jim Carrey to swap with Biden) have been at it again? Does anyone know the current whereabouts of Robert Deniro? What about Larry David? Ben Affleck? Has anyone seen Ben Affleck? I would start with those 3 first.

    Seriously though does that dude ever figure how to explain why this is “Gambling” for pigeons? He shut that shit down quicker than Zahi Hawass canceled his Netflix subscription when he heard the news of Graham Hancock and Ancient Apocalypse series.

    It’s all relative Joe!! You know this man! That energy is their currency. If they run out or spend too much for very little reward, they… go…. broke…. Mrs. Pigeon would be pissed she has nothing to feed little P.J.

    #ProofoflifeJRE #willtherealjoeroganpleasestandup #safetycheckforrussellbrandwhileweareatit

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